CITG Treasurer’s CancerCare charity Walk

All of us, in one way or another, have been affected by cancer.

Please support our Treasurer, John Blusonis, as he participates in the CancerCare charity walk on Sunday, November 17th, at the Oyster Bay Golf Course, 1 South Woods Road, Woodbury, NY.

He is participating in the memory of the following people: 

Phil Dooley, John Arce, Helen Miklas, Ilsa Konzet, Yvonne Konzet, Christine Jobsky, Theresa Oliva, Manny Scarpinato, and Jill Anne Kelly.

CancerCare offers its help, free of charge, to all who have been affected by cancer, whether directly or indirectly. Please consider donating to CancerCare.

Use the link below to donate.


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