Our Ministries
Church-in-the-Garden has a number of ministries to help congregants and the community live out the mission of Christ. These ministries are the backbone of our church family and ensure our church is a place of worship and refuge for people seeking to know God and to grow in understanding of their divine purpose. Your participation and suggestions matter to us. We invite you to inquire about how to become a part of our ministries.
Board of Ministry
Our Board of Ministry consists of individual members who have been elected and tasked with being the stewards of our church. Their firm commitment to Christ and the mission of this church provides the necessary support to keep the church moving forward. Board members can be reached through the church office.
Moderator - Harriet Hope
Treasurer - John Blusonis
Member-at-Large - Diane Baruch
Member-at-Large - Sandra Bent
Member-at-Large - Glendy Chamaidan
Member-at-Large - Ron Hope
Member-at-Large - Yvonne Nicholas
Music Ministry
Minister of Music for Worship - Jeff Bolding
Our Music Ministry is always looking for people who want to sing or play an instrument to the glory of the Lord. We welcome choirs, small groups, soloists, praise and worship teams, liturgical dancers, and instrumentalists to our worship service. For more information, please contact our Minister of Music at music@churchinthegarden.org.
Media Ministry
The mission of the Media Ministry is to spread the love of God through Jesus Christ and the Good News of the Gospel to those within the church as well as to those outside of the church. The ministry employs the use of audio/video and social media to ensure people can hear and see the Word of God in our services. Please contact the church office for media-related requests/events at info@churchinthegarden.org.
Christian Education Ministry
The Christian Education Ministry includes our Sunday School, Bible Study, and Youth and Adult Christian Education programs. As American Baptists, we take seriously the teachings of Christ to his disciples and followers. Therefore, we attempt to teach a holistic ministry that is viable and applicable to all. We believe learning and teaching are vital responsibilities of this ministry and are continually seeking to add and improve our educational offerings.
We invite you to come and find out more about our Christian Education Ministry. For more information, please contact the Pastor at pastor@churchingthegarden.org.
Missions & Stewardship Ministry
The Missions & Stewardship Ministry is responsible for the support and outreach of the church. To that end, we are ardent supporters of our own church, the greater mission work of the American Baptist Churches, and beneficial causes for the betterment of humanity in our local communities. We support the Long Island Council of Churches Food Bank, the American Baptist Home Missions, International Missions, and other missions and relief work. For more information, please contact the church office at info@churchinthegarden.org.