Virtual “Watch Care”
“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!”
Virtual “WATCH CARE”
Church-in-the-Garden’s online community of faith in God through Jesus Christ!
Watch Care is an outreach ministry that allows believers from other congregations and those working through their faith journey ONLINE to connect and engage with the Church-in-the-Garden without requiring full membership.
As many are apprehensive about coming and joining a church, Watch Care allows you to worship and fellowship with our welcoming, warm, open, and inclusive church family virtually.
Joining us under Watch Care gives you access to our pastor and the pastoral counseling that he provides. It also connects you with a greater community of faith and the ministries we share. You will receive a Watch Care welcome packet that explains our ministry and vital information about the Church-in-the-Garden. You will be able to discern, develop, and exercise your gifts that may benefit our congregation and the greater community of faith.